Monday, March 17, 2008

Women's Retreat, Snow again!

This week end was the best. I went to a women's retreat with the church Journey. I was invited by my middle daughter and her SIL. I have been to many retreats, but this one was so different. For one thing it was in the mountains in cabins. Very fun! It was so spirit filled. This is how I always imagined a retreat to be. Not only that, but the food was great, (how did they do that?) The other retreats I have attended were in fancy hotels, and the food was not that good, such a disappointment.

There were a bunch of us in one cabin and we had a blast. The speaker was Debbie Alsdorf, and she was so inspiring and has a book. DEEPER living in the reality of God's love. Her main message for me is "You are HIS" wow, that alone is so profound. It kind of makes everything else fall away. If you are "HIS", what to worry? Everything else becomes so unimportant by comparison. In the picture, from left to right, Dawn Stewart, Me, Denise Lungulow, Theresa, Rhonda, Stephanie. I was the "Mom", and really enjoyed being one of the girls

When we woke up Sunday morning there was snow! It was so beautiful and magical. There were a lot of woman there who had prayed for snow (go figure) so they were thrilled. I thought it was pretty, but I am not a big fan. I did take a lot of my wool things so it was a chance to really use them. I was pretty comfy and it was gone by lunch time.

Now that I am back home, I feel so refreshed. It was a great getaway. I can't wait until the next trip. I just got my tickets for the train trip my Mom and I are planning to take to my sisters up the coast. She moved to Atascadero or something like that and I haven't seen her new house yet. Really have wanted to do this for a long time. It is getting harder and harder for Ron and I both to get a way because of his folks. If I don't go now I will be working soon and then will have to wait until after September. That makes it another year since I've seen my sister. We plan to go the first week in April.

I really need to get spinning or knitting or something. Working on what else? Socks!

Spin on ........................................Sheena

1 comment:

Love Interwoven said...

I'm so glad you had such a great retreat. Pinevalley?? I love that place. God always touches me there. I can't wait to see you. You know I'm from Atascadero right??? My mom is still there. Call me. Blessings Sue