Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas eve and all is well!!

It's Christmas Eve and all is well. All the cookies and candy are made and all the presents are wrapped. We are waiting for the Charger game to start and then we will eat Chicken Wings and lots of goodies.

We are also going to the Christmas Eve service at our church. It is at 6:00 and is a candle lighting ceremony. Very pretty and a great way to start the festivities. Tomorrow will be equally wonderful.

We are having a dinner for the whole family and lots of fun. This is the last hurrah before Brian moves to Kansas . We will all miss his entire family. I will especially miss the kids, because I'm all about the kiddos.

Merry Christmas and
Spin on...................................Sheena

Friday, December 21, 2007

A Sugar Storm in the Kitchen

Wow, first thing this morning (6:00am) I was making Rice Crispy Squares. Ron ask for them which surprised me. I didn't even know he liked them. I made some not too long ago and they were a disaster. This time they worked out perfect. I made two batches and sprinkled red and green sugar on them. They are really pretty. Very easy too.

Next I made some fudge. No nuts, for Ginger and Ron. I still need to make some for my Mom with nuts. I like the one with nuts too, but if I make it for me, I will eat it all, this way I can share with my Mom and eat half as much. Last year nothing I made turned out right, so this year I am making it early in the morning without "help". I seem to do much better that way.

I am knitting on a pair of socks I started a long, long time ago. I was trying to learn to knit with two circular needles. I got about three inches done and really don't like this technique. Maybe someday I will try it again, but for now I am back to double pointed needles. Did I mention that there were two being knit at the same time. Yeah, I give! I think it is a great idea, but I don't have the skill yet to do that.

We had our last spinning class on Wednesday and I have been looking forward to the break. We brought things in that we no longer wanted, roving, yarn, unfinished projects or what ever, as long as it was fiber related. I took in some roving I didn't think I would want (it was so hard to part with anything cause I love all my stuff) and I am proudest of the fact that I didn't bring any thing new home.

I have my fudge done and tonight I will be making some English Toffee. My personal favorite. It's beginning to smell a lot like Christmas around here.

Most of my spinning is waiting to be turned into something. I really need to get busy knitting. I made two hats last night on the knitting machine and will try to do some more tonight after dinner.

Spin on...............................Sheena

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Christmas party for spinners

Well, last night was the Christmas party for the spinning group that I go to. It is at Lorraine Powell's house. She is the local Shepherdess and has a flock of about 60 and also has goats (angora) and meat goats. There are several ladies who meet every other Friday night and the third Thursday for the day time group. We bring our wheels and some people bring knitting and sit around and visit and either spin or knit. There are plenty of people to help if you are just learning and it is really great fun. I never want to have it end.

Last night was no exception. There were a couple of ladies I never see anymore who came last night. It was so good to see them. A couple of them were affected by the fire and still trying to get back to normal. I really feel for them, we are so blessed. All together there were about 8 of us, that pretty well fills up the room. Lots of talking and hot apple cider and everyone brought something to share to snack on.

I got a brush to put on my drum carder. It is one of my Christmas Presents. I can't wait to get busy with that stuff after Christmas. I am going to blend some wool mixing colors and fibers. Great fun for this spinning girl.

Spin on..............Sheena

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Getting Ready for Christmas, making goodies

Well, I have finished the last slipper sock for my grand kids for Christmas. I have a couple of other things I am working on, but have plenty of time left to finish. Now I have to start baking. Well maybe I don't have to, but I want to. In fact it is my favorite part.

I have been spinning a lot lately too. I am finishing up a bunch of 4 oz bumps I have in different colors that I have bought over the last year. It is so fun to see what they become. Even if I don't like the roving, I seem to always like the yarn. In fact I usually love it. I hope to use some of it in some felted bags I plan on making. I have lots of ideas and am ready to get started. I have about 5 or 6 pounds of my Lincoln wool spun up. Can't wait to see how that turns out. I could make a sweater, but probably won't. I also want to over dye some of it. Blue of course.

I have all my Christmas decorations out, and the house looks festive and wonderful. I love Christmas and all the colors and lights. This is the first year my husband has really got involved. I don't know if it is because he finally has time, or because he just feels better this year. Anyway, it has been great fun and I don't care why.

I really miss all the kids, but am getting better at being away from them. I am looking forward to them coming in the spring. Oh!!! my chickens are laying eggs. I can't believe it. They usually don't start laying until the following spring, but they are laying now. I started with one a day, and am now up to 4 a day. What fun!!! The kids will be so happy when they get here. I can't wait. I have been making Ron Egg Mcmuffin for breakfast. He loves that.

It is really cold the last couple of days, especially at night. I guess it is suppose to be, after all it is winter. I'm glad I don't have snow. I would freeze.

Spin on...................Sheena

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Rain Rain we finally have Rain!!!

It started raining on Thursday night late. Really I guess it was Friday night. It rained all day and into the night on Friday. I usually don't like the rain, but this time I kind of enjoyed it. My husband stayed in for a change and we decorated the house for Christmas. This is the first time in a long time that he actually took part. He seems to be enjoying it. We unpacked everything, something we haven't done in a long time also. I am going through all the old stuff and getting rid of the broken things and warp things (there are a lot of warp things). Some things just don't do well in the heat. I had a lot of funny looking candles. Won't pack those away again.

We went shopping last week and bought a new little artificial tree. It has lights on it already and set up in 2 minutes. I love it! It is perfect for us and I have completely covered in all of my favorite ornaments. You can hardly see the tree. There is some green peeking out here and there. I always enjoy going through all of my ornaments. A lot of them my kids made over the years or they have a special meaning because of what was going on in my life at the time.

So today, I have spent the morning doing just that, going through and hanging up the best of the best and remembering all the wonderful Christmases we have had. I still miss those kids, but of course I love the people they have become. The Grand kids have totally taken up the slack. We have had all of them living here at one time, but now half of them are in Alabama.
I miss those very much, but am thankful for the ones who are still here. (the other half). Soon three more are going to move away, so I will only have two here. I do know I am very fortunate to have been such a big part of their lives. I will enjoy the ones that are here, and go on missing the ones who have moved away. Life goes on.

I have been knitting slipper socks for all the grand kids like crazy. Almost done. I need to mail the first 5 this week. I have also been spinning a lot to make yarn for some felted bags that I want to make. I really need to get to making those or they won't get done in time. I will do most of the knitting on the knitting machine. That way I can get at least a few done in time. If I want to hand knit them, I better get busy now for next year!! Ha ha.

Well, I best get knitting and spinning.
Spin on..........................................................Sheena

Monday, December 3, 2007

Time for a Christmas Sweater, almost done with Christmas presents!!

Today at machine knitting class we worked on a Christmas Sweater. I am so ready to knit something for myself. I really need a new sweater, all the ones I have are old and I give so much away that I don't have that many anyway. I guess living in San Diego doesn't exactly call for a lot of sweaters. I love them anyway. I think I have the yarn, so I will look for it tomorrow.
It is in storage like all my yarn. I have so much, I go shopping at my own house.

I bought a new little Christmas tree this weekend. The one we had didn't make it past the storage job last year. I got one that is 4.5ft with lights already on it. It is perfect for us and will be fun to set up. It is about a 5 minute job. I am going to put it on a table and it won't take up too much room, since I have no extra space.

I have one more pair of slipper socks to make before Christmas. Now I am working on a couple of felted bags I have in mind. If they turn out they will be Christmas presents too. I love making them anyway, so it doesn't really matter. It is really fun spinning the yarn to make them. That is, I think, my favorite part. I love spinning for it's lack of planning and hardly any preparation. It is so relaxing, I keep threatening to teach my husband so he can relax. He really needs to relax more. I have to say he is very supportive of all I do.

Spin on..........................Sheena