Tuesday, October 23, 2007

My world's on fire......We're blessed.

The Ramona area where I live, has been burning since Sunday night. We tried to leave and had to turn back so we are here for the duration. Just in the last few hours we have lost water, but I am blessed, I have a well.
We have some drinking water, and the well water is fine for bathing and other cooking and such. At least so far we have power. That has not been true for other Ramona residents. Hopfully this is on the mend. The winds are better today, so I think they will get a handle on the main fire. It is so sad. So many have lost their homes. I really feel for them.

I have been spinning just to keep myself busy and sane! I have finished a couple of my projects just because I have had lots of down time. I sure hope this ends soon. My husbands asthma is so bad. Well, we still have our home so we are truly blessed.

Spin on.......................Sheena

Friday, October 19, 2007

On the go again!!! Packing up my projects.

Well, I am off to Alabama next week. My daughter needs me to help with the kids while she is working long hours. I hate to leave right now, but can't wait to spend time with the kids. I really miss them dearly. I use to baby sit all of them at one time or another. Of my 10 grandchildren, this family has five of them. I leave on the 23rd and return home on the 14th of November.

My main concern is which projects to pack. I am taking lots of yarn because I am working on Christmas presents. So far I have 4 pair of slipper socks made and need to keep working hard so I can get them all done. Some of them I have spun the yarn for too. That is the fun part.

My friend Amy is here now and we are knitting fools. I taught her the Toe-up sock and the shortrow heel, and we are plugging away. I want to start a sweater for myself, and can't wait for that. I also have a vest I have been working on so that is cool.

In spinning I am practising spinning softer yarn. I think I overdo everything and that includes my spinning. I use to barely ply it and now I think it is over plied.???? What to do? Keep learning!

Spin on.....................Sheena

Sunday, October 14, 2007

I have been so busy with all my projects. I am trying to make most of my Christmas presents, so I have started early. That is the only way I will ever get done. Some of the things I am making, I am also spinning the yarn for. I also have alot of yarn that I have spun stockpiled. I found all my yarn the other day and was shocked at how much I have. It was really fun to look at all I have done. But I really need to get busy and turn it into something. Of course I could just relax and make yarn. So fun.

Janice Jones's daughter Heather got married yesterday. I babysat for Heather when she and her sisters were very little people. Time sure passes by fast. It was such a blessing to see her getting married.

My friend Amy is coming this week. Her birthday is Wednesday. I know we will have fun, we always do.

spin on...................Sheena

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

On Vacation ......Knitting with friends

We finally got to go on our little vacation. It is really little too. We were suppose to go for a couple of weeks, but we will only have a few days. We are at my friend Amy's house and then we are going to Las Vegas for a couple of days.

The thing about Amy and I is we have been friends off and on for a long time. We met back in 1972 when we were working for Ross Perrot EDS. We didn't know who he was at the time, but that is who we worked for. We were both "key punch operators", now that would be Data entry. We were young and had little children. Amy is the one who helped me learn more about Crochet and taught me to read a pattern. We had alot of funny adventures over the years. Our lives have drifted apart and have come back together many times. Now we can sit and knit and crochet and talk yarn for hours. We are both grandmothers (she has 17 grandchildren and I have 10), and we both love yarn. We never seem to run out of things to talk about and never get enough of yarn and being together. We just plain enjoy each other.

It feels good to get away for a few days, and then I am ready to get back to my life.

spin on.........................Sheena