Friday, November 28, 2008

Kansas Yarn Barn in Lawrence Kansas

This is the first thing you see when you enter the Kansas Yarn Barn. This loom is ready to go. If you want to try it you can. There are so many looms on display I can't remember all of them.

There were little ones and big ones and all the med size ones in the middle. They also had everything you would need to make anything on a loom. I only have the knitter's loom from ashford, so I am not much of a weaver, but I sure can appreciate what this place would mean to a weaver. Also they have classes so you could learn if you wanted to.

There were cones and cones of every kind of thread, yarn, what ever to put on the looms. the colors were over whelming. I bought some just because and I'm not sure I can even use it. I will try and then if not, give it to someone who can.

Then there was books. All kinds of books. Every book I have looked at on line and wished I could see was here for the seeing. I looked at a lot and bought a couple. I wanted them all. I have so many already, I vowed to make something from each before I buy another Book! (we'll see)
I want a book shelf that covers the wall like this. I probably have enough books to fill it.

Then there is the yarn!!! Yarn everywhere! Every kind I have ever heard about seen, wished for and drooled over. Every sample from their catalogue was there in person. So wonderful to see and touch and wish I could make. There was this long table you could sit at and look at patterns. How great is that?

They had pattern books and leaflets of every pattern I have seen in all the magazines. I had to take a break from looking at all this stuff and go eat pizza next door before I could move on.

Then...................................there were the spinning wheels. I was shaking just looking at them. They were lined up in row and I really enjoyed looking at each one. There of course was roving and lots of other interesting things to spin. I bought 2 ounces of angora to blend with some of my wool back home. They had every fiber I had ever read about. You could buy it by the ounce. That way you could try a little to see if it was what you wanted to spin.

This is a picture of Katherine (my granddaughter and other yarn crazed person in the family) in front of the store. We had a wonderful time shopping and looking at all the stuff. Wow, I think this was my favorite day of my trip.

If you are ever in Kansas, well, you gotta stop.

spin on.........................Sheena

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Busy busy time of year!

These are some of the things I knitted on our road trip. Socks on the left that will become Christmas presents. Next my Adult Surprise Jacket by Elizabeth Zimmerman. This was really fun to knit and I learned so much. EZ was truly a genius and amazes me.

I use to get car sick if I did anything but ride, but I have found that I am so messmerized while knitting that I don't get sick. I truly loved that I could knit along and look at the scenery and talk all at the same time. Much to my husbands amazement. I seem to be able to talk while doing anything. Who would have guessed? I don't know what I did to the camera, but it looks ok until I take the picture, then it blurs. anyway these are not the best, but good enough.

These are two face cloths I made just for fun, and some handwarmers I made out of some yummy moreno and silk yarn I bought at Kansas Yarn Barn. I was really proud of the cables. This was the first time I made something from a pattern with no help and it was one of those things that I had to shut myself in the bathroom and read the pattern without interuptions.

I also made 5 baby wash cloths for my daughter-in-law's girlfriend that was due any day. She thanked me by having her baby on my Birthday. She didn't name her Sheena though, she named her Ava. Oh well.
Spin on.....................................Sheena

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

More pictures of my trip

As we left Colorado we saw so much more open country. Before you get to Kansas, there is the beginning of the Great Plains. This includes the east side of Colorado. Lots of Cattle and some wheat growing there. The landscape became really flat and alot greener that what we had seen in Colorado.

Then we got to Kansas. Wow ! the fields of Sun Flowers were as far as you could see. I have never seen so much yellow, except maybe at Amy's (that is her favorite color) Very little housing or towns that I could see in this part of the country. They must be large farms because they were growing lots of Sun Flowers. I tried to take some pictures from the car, but they didn't turn out very good.

The houses or towns were always off in the distance, but lots of those yellow Sun Flowers. I loved all the green and think this part of the country is over looked and definitely has it's own beauty.
Mostly I knitted along the way. My daughter-in-law's friend was expecting a baby soon so I knitted on my Adult Surprise Jacket and then made baby wash cloths in between. I got 5 done from Las Vegas to Leavenworth Kansas and almost finished my Jacket.
I really started enjoying the freedom we were feeling just driving along and stopping where we wanted to or eating when we felt like it. This was the vacation of a life time. Every other time we have traveled we had a mission and were in a hurry to get where we were going. This was much more relaxing and I definitely want to make another trip.
I am still unpacking and finding things as I go long. I also have more pictures to download. For another day.
Spin on............................Sheena

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I'm Back and still recovering.

We have been home for a couple of weeks now and I still feel like I am recovering. I loved being on the road and am having a hard time getting back to a routine.

I took so many pictures and don't know where to start. This one is of the river running next to the highway going through the Rocky Mountains. Quite a site.

This one is from one of the rest stops along the way . The Mountains were all around us and they really are " Rocky."

I really love Colorado and I think it was my favorite. All along the way there were beautiful trees and we even saw a rainbow after what must have been a thunder storm, but we just got a little sprinkle. In fact traveling so far and for so long I can't believe what wonderful weather we had. Not any real rain and lots of sun shine.

This was taken from inside the car. It was so hard to take pictures along the way, but I practised and got pretty good at it. There were times that I got so crazy with it I really took some crazy pictures.
Anyway I got a lot of knitting done along the way and still haven't taken pictures of that. Coming soon.
Spin on.........................Sheena