Sunday, June 24, 2007

Half way through....9 more days.

We are over half way through with the Fair. It will soon be behind us. It has been fun and stressful. I miss all my friends and my other life. I haven't knit much, but have been learning alot.

The lady who owns Bonita Knitting Store came to judge a contest at the Fair. She is so nice and brought a feather and fan pattern and I have been trying to knit it. It took me about 9 startovers and I finally got it. I am so dense when it comes to hand knit patterns. I just keep trying though. I am more stubborn than the knitting.

I have been spinning on my drop spindle every chance I get and am getting better at it every day.

Spin on.......Sheena

Monday, June 4, 2007

Fair Time!!!

Well the San Diego County Fair will open on June 8th. We are almost ready. Just a few finishing touches and the food to take in. On Wednesday we will be taking in all the yummy baked goods and cookies and candy and decorated cakes. Can't wait, it is usually very exciting. We will have it all Judged on Thursday and then Friday.....opeing day!

It has been alot of work and we are short staffed, but are getting the job done. Everyone is really tired and Karalyn has been diagnosed with High blood pressure. I hope it isn't because of the fair. We really do have fun, well atleast I do. I sometimes think we are just plain stupid for working so hard and then thinking it is fun.

Hope to see all my friends and family at the Fair. I will take lots of yarn and my spinning wheel with me in my motor home. I am also taking my drop spindle in case I have a chance to practise it.

Spin on.......Sheena