Friday, January 4, 2008

Spinning and Knitting waiting for Rain.

Well, they keep saying we are getting a lot of rain. So far none. I guess tonight for sure. I am ready. I brought in a bunch of wood for the fire and have lots of yarn to keep me company. I will knit and spin and watch movies. My three favorite things.

I finished plying the royal blue that I was working on. It is drying by the fire. I can't wait to put it in something, like a felted bag. I have one almost ready to felt. Just a few more things and it will be ready. I put an eye cord trim at the top to give it body and so now I am putting the same trim on both sides of the handle. I hope it works out, if not I will have learned something anyway.

Next Monday classes start again. I kind of miss them, but at the same time enjoy the freedom to do nothing. I get more done though when I have to. Oh well, I guess we need both. Down time and structured time.

I' going to start some hats tomorrow. I want to make Barbara and Brian warm hats for the snow. Also Katherine and Peyton and Grace need warm hats too. Maybe some mittens too. They had about 4-6 inches of snow when they got there. Brrrrrrr It makes me cold just to think about it. I am toasty in my little house.

Spin on..........................Sheena

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