Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Another Birthday!

What fun. We were in Alabama for Reese's 5th Birthday (dec 24th) and now we are in South Carolina for Grace's 5th Birthday. (dec 30th) That worked out perfect. Both of these children were surprises to their parents and to us. We all thought our kids were done having kids. Surprise! These two blessings were just waiting in the wings.

Reese being born on Christmas Eve will always have stories to hear. And Grace right behind him has her stories too. She almost was a New Years Eve baby, but couldn't wait another minuet. She actually was due on New Years Eve. Reese on the other hand was a week late.

Today Ron and Brian are taking Grace fishing for her birthday and then later more of Barb's family are coming for Pizza and cake and ice cream. I'm sure we will all have fun.

For Reese's Birthday we went to Apple Bee's and had a great dinner. He got his presents and played until we were all tired and had to go to bed to wait for Santa. Big day and night!


1 comment:

mommieof4munchkins said...

Happy Birthday to Grace, I will never forget the night she was born! I had Kai and Peyton over for the night! We sure do miss them.
