Sunday, April 15, 2007

Rain Atlast!!!

Today it rained. I can't remember when it rained here last. It has been along time. I was afraid summer would come before we got any rain at all. It is still very dry . Last summer was hot and long. I'm not ready for that yet.

We have three bottle baby lambs. They are so sweet, and had never seen rain before. They were running all over and jumping around. I think they liked it. Made them very frisky.

My mom and I made enchiladas today and had my kids and grand kids over for dinner/lunch whatever and it was great fun.

The only knitting I got done today was a few rows on my socks. I am going to try a new heel on this pair so I am gearing up for that. I'm sure I will have to concentrate double on this because knitting is hard for me anyway, but something new is even harder.

I went to Lorraine's on Friday night and did some spinning on some cashmere/silk I have. I only have 2 ounces. I finished one ounce and will start on the other ounce and plan on plying them together and making something cool. It won't be much, but this is spinning very fine, so something lacy maybe.

Spin on......Sheena

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