Tuesday, August 21, 2007

almost over.....time for more spinning and knitting!!!

Well, the racing season is almost done. Won't be long until I will be back in spinning and knitting classes. My favorite place to be.

I finished plying the "Sophie" wool I had spun and it is simply gorgeous. It felts like heaven and I can't wait to make something out of it. I want to make some clog slippers. They would be awsome. Also it would be fun to have something made from my own sheep. I really appreciate her more now that I have spun some of her beautiful wool. Ron doesn't like her that much because she is not friendly at all, but she is getting better. It has been a year since we got her, and she is still very skittish. Her baby is too of course because she gets all those signals from her mom. The babies we have are so sweet and friendly, it really makes her look bad.

I hope to get some really great stuff done this winter in knitting. I really need to get busy or give it up.

spin on..............sheena

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