Saturday, September 19, 2009

More gardening and canning pictures

Tony and Rhonda came over to help make pickled beets. Tony, always the artist, used a cookie cutter to make "Heart Beets" They are wonderful and pretty. We all had a great time and I couldn't have done it without them. We canned everything outside so we wouldn't heat up the house. I am still working on some stuff. Now I am dehydrating egg plant. I don't know what else to do with it. We have so much, no one can eat that much eggplant. I just had a friend tell me to merinate it in some olive oil and vinegar to use on salads later. I'm trying a small jar to see what that tastes like. I added some garlic just for giggles.

Ron's watermelon. It is so cool and it tastes
good too!

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