Sunday, November 25, 2007

Finally back from the TIME WARP

I can't believe how horrible I felt this time getting back from Alabama. It took almost a full week to get back to feeling half way normal. I still feel lazy and low.

Thanksgiving was great. We had lots of food and lots of fun. I really miss Dana and the kids, but I was just with them so I should be thankful for that. I miss Brian too, but he will be back in about three weeks, so I am thankful for that too. My Mom and Ron's parents were all here and Rhonda and her family and Ginger too. We had 14 including the 5 grandchildren that were here. It was a very good day.

I have been doing alot of knitting. I am working on slipper sox for Christmas for the gradkids. So far I have 7 pair done. I am half way through #8. I also want to make some felted bags, so I hope I will get some done. I went to Lorraine's to spin on Friday night, and finished some BFL I have been working on. I hope I have enough for a vest. It is died a lot of colors and turned out really beautiful.

I hope I can start knitting some things for myself. After Christmas should get better.

Spin on............................Sheena

1 comment:

knittingknottieme said...

I just love your site. I want one too!! I'm make one of my kids do it for me!! (or grandkids). Knit on and keep spinning!! OBTW, this is Amy