Sunday, December 28, 2008

One last look at Kansas

This is a picture of a buffalo that I saw at Levenworth, Kansas. This one came right up to the fence where we were standing. It was a small female. She was so cute. The other picture is of those round bales of grass that were every where. I just loved those round bales.
I have been spinning like crazy and have a bunch of new yarn finished. I will take some pictures tomorrow. Christmas is behind us and so is the rain for a while, so I hope to have more time.
My father-in-law fell on the 23rd and broke his hip, so we have been distracted with that. He had a hip replacement done on Friday the 26th and is doing well. I can't believe it! He is 90 years old and survived a hip replacement.
spin on........................Sheena

1 comment:

CC said...

I first saw round bales in Canada; I was equally as fascinated with them.

Get Well wishes for your FIL.

Happy New Year