While in Alabama we all piled in our van and headed to Atlanta Georgia. It was about and hour and a half. We went to spend the day in the Coca Cola museum. It was so much fun and very interesting even if you are not a Coca Cola Fan. Ron is so he really enjoyed it. There was a lot of history here and Coca Cola actually originated in Atlanta Georgia.

Most of the art work we have seen over the years in their advertising. What I didn't know is that Coca Cola makes 64 different drinks all over the world. The different art objects in the form of Coca Cola bottles was very fun to see.
The last place to go after touring everything is the tasting room. In the tasting room you get to taste every product Coca Cola makes. There were some really good ones from other parts of the world. My favorite one was an orange creme soda from Australia. There was one from Italy that was really bitter called Beverly. Everyone had to taste that one so we could make a face and say how awful it is. Evidently, it is very popular in Italy.
This is another of those must see places. So if you are ever in Atlanta, Georgia, you must stop to see the Coca Cola Museum.
I have been knitting dish cloths for Paige for her new place all this week. She got her keys today for her new apartment and is very excited. I also baked cakes most of today. Almost done. I have two more layers (Chocolate Heart side cakes) to bake and I am done with that. Then it is on to making roses and frosting and baking some heart cookies.
I am also working on a heart scarf in a yummy soft yarn for Paige. She loves scarfs (and that is a good thing cause I love to knit them.)
Spin on..............................Sheena