Back again. What a fun trip. Riding on the train was very fun. I love that you can sit and talk and knit and read and all that jazz while going somewhere. It is not as tiring as driving and certainly more fun for everyone. I love the sound of the train going clickity clack and when the whistle blew it was very cool. I finished my socks on the trip up there.
We had a good time visiting and my sister and I always talk our heads off when we get together. We went out for Mexican food on Friday night and that was really good. She lives in Atascadero and works for the Sheriff's Department. It is kind of rural there and she is learning all kinds of new things. Like, reading brands, comparing steers to their paper work. She is actually a crime prevention officer in San Luis Obispo. Everything was green and lots of rolling hills. I wish I would have taken more pictures.
On Saturday we drove up past Fresno somewhere for a birthday party for two of my sister's grandchildren. I'm still not sure where I was, but they had deer walking around in every one's yard. That was great. They eat all the shrubbery and grasses. All the yards are kind of natural, with very little landscaping. No yard work! I hadn't seen my sis's kids in three years. It was great to see everyone and all the grand kids (she has 8) and of course all the little ones had grown a lot since I saw them last. My sister is a red head and has two red headed grandchildren. That is so special. This is Sienna age 18 mo. She is a strawberry blond. The boy is Matthew he is a red head too. (he is also my very favorite)
On Monday we went to Morrow bay and spent the day shopping and eating and just plain having fun. These pictures were taken in front of a bit Rock shaped like a whale. Very cool.

Mom and Marsha Me and Marsha
We really did have a fun time and I can't wait to do it again. The train ride was so fun and it was great to spend some time with my sister.
Back to work! I need to spin more Freckles if I am going to have enough yarn for a sweater by the time I go to work. April 28Th. Boy that came around fast!
Spin on.................................Sheena
1 comment:
aggghhhh Stop!! My mom lives in Atascadero and I lived in Morro Bay until I was a freshaman in High school. I graduated from Atascadero High. Your making me homesick. My dad worked a PG&E, Im sure you saw the smoke stacks.
Miss you!!!! call me...Blessings Sue
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