This was the week end to Shear the Sheep. Wow what a job. We got three out of the four done. We simply got too tired to finish. I'm sure the sheep felt the same way. We will do the last one on Thursday night. We had lots of help, but it was still very hard. I might get a shearer to do it next year. I'm getting too old to work this hard.
They were very woolly and really didn't want to be sheared. I have a hard time with that. It's like if you don't want me to shear you, do you want to be "lamb chops?" You are no good to me if I can't shear you. Anyway, it's like a horse you can't ride????? what's with that? That is one Useless horse. So we got them done and will finish up later this week. I already have all the wool packed up in a box to send off to the processor.
It was really cute. They have on their new coats, ready for next time. I will have lots of wonderful wool to spin this next year. I plan on learning more about dyeing.
We went to my friend Amy's last week for Wednesday, Thursday and came home Friday. We had a lot of fun and of course Amy and I knitted and talked not stop. She has a group of ladies that come to her house and knit on Thursdays so I got to meet them and that was neat.
We started a scart that I got off of called Edger and we had a good time with that. Amy is a really good knitter and makes lots of beautiful things. Sweaters for her grandkids and for herself too. She can really knit. This is one of the scarfs I made. I think it will be a mother's day present.
I will have more about our trip next time.
Spin on....................................Sheena
1 comment:
Shearing your own sheep - I'm so impressed with you! Even with the extra help you had, that's a very hard job. And all that wool!!!
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