Meet Ebony and Ivory!! My new babies. We brought them home last night.
Ebony is a Lincoln lamb and Ivory is a Columbia/Lincoln cross. They are just adorable. I can't wait for my grandchildren to see them. Ivory is about 2 months old and Ebony is about a month old. Ebony still needs a bottle. We just brought them home last night, so they are still getting aquainted with each other and with their new home. My hubby built them a new pen with a manger so we can lock them up at night. So far so good. It will take some work to get them petable, but it is fun to spend time with them.
I go to work next Monday! Where did the year go? It seems like only yesterday that I was looking forward to being home full time. Oh well, lots of time to get ready for next fall. I will be hand knitting a lot while working. Then the Fair will start and I will be really busy. All this while the grandkids come for a visit. Wow, we will have a busy summer.
My fleeces made it to the processors today. I only mailed them on Tuesday. That was fast. I really look forward to getting it back in wonderful roving. I need to learn more about dyeing wool now that I have 5 white sheep. I did some a couple of weeks ago. I used the black trash bag method. I have been spinning some of it to make a novelty yarn. It looks pretty good. I think I will ply it with a silk thread or something like that. I dyed it as Fleece.
Garnet Red, Lavender, and Sky Blue. Very pretty!
Today I am plying some Freckles that I spun. I have about 700 yds done so far.
Spin on................................Sheena