First of all we had decided to dye our hair. My favorite color is blue, and hers is purple. I had seen her hair purple before so I knew it would be even better blue. We had planned other things, that I can't even remember now, because then the Yarn Crawl was announced!!! How wonderful, right on our Birthday weekend. How much better could that get??? The Yarn Crawl is the first for San Diego. How exciting! There were 10 or 11 stores/Alpaca farms participating.
The object of the Yarn Crawl is to visit each and every store participating during a four day period. The stores were from Chula Vista to Encinitas, From San Marcos to Ramona. You have a Pass Port to have signed at each store proving you have visited them and each store had a gift (tape measure, scissors, buttons, free patterns etc.) for each person. What fun!
We made a plan. First we mapped out all the stores and then made a plan as to how we would visit each one. We knew we had to do it in Three days because we weren't going to try to do Sunday. We both have church and Tammy has no nurse for her son on Sunday so she really can't go.
We decided to do 4 things on Thursday because they were pretty much close. so first day we went to the Alpaca farm/processing mill in Crest. Then to Two Sister's and Ewe in La Mesa, then to Yarn and Thread Expressions also in La Mesa. The Yarnover truck was to be at the last place too so that gave us 4 on Thursday. I can't tell you how fun.
I first of all have to mention the hair dying thing. We did it on Tuesday afternoon because we are too busy on Wednesday with spinning class and knitting class and Tammy has an apolestory class on Wednesday night. We are busy girls!

Day 1 of Yarn Crawl:
This is at the Alpaca farm Simpler Times in Crest. They have all things Alpaca and also a processing Mill where they process your Alpaca or Llama into roving or spin into yarn. Very cool operation and they gave us a tour.
Then on to Two Sisters and Ewe in La Mesa.
I said to Karalyn as they were going to take our picture, "oh no I have my glasses on" she said "you have blue hair what difference does it make???" I nearly laughed my head off. Too funny. Can you see Tammy's purple hair?
Next stop Yarn and Thread Expressions and The Yarnover Truck.
Two wonderful places with lots of yarn and goodies galore. the yarn truck was so fun. It is something Ron and I have talked about for years.Day 2:
On day two we had three stores planned. One of the stores had a demonstration for free form knitting that Tammy really wanted to see so we headed out and went to San Marcos first. The store there was Yarning for you and this is another one I had never been to so was raring to go. There was a photo opt we had to take advantage of and Karalyn was still with us for the second day. at least my hair matches the sign.
Then we were off to Encinitas for two more shops. They are on the same street so we parked in what we thought was the middle and walked after lunch. We wanted to see the demo by Colleen Davis on freeform knitting at Black Sheep. It was fabulous and we all wanted to make a sweater or something using her technique. I didn't get a picture, but did buy some patterns and some roving.
Next stop, Common Threads down the street that ended up so far away that Tammy and Karalyn had to go get the car and come back and pick me up. My knee couldn't make it and it's a good thing. It was much farther than we thought.
At Common Threads there was another photo opportunity we couldn't pass up. We shopped and bought more yarn for making socks on the knitting machine and other do dads and stuff.
By now we were all pretty tired. so we headed back to my house to get Tammy's car and unload our loot.
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