Monday, January 18, 2010

Hard couple of weeks.

It has been a long hard two weeks. I am finally starting to get back to the routine of my life. It has been hard. Jet lag always gets me down. We did ok, but I am still cold and dragging around here.
Today was a holiday so I didn't have class. I knitted on socks most of today. Got two more pair done for Lorraine and am still knitting the tops. It rained all day so a good day to stay home and knit.
Amy came last Thursday and went home Sunday. We had a good visit and got some knitting done. We took a ride up to Julian and took a look at Debra's shop. And of course we had some pie at "MOM'S" Yummy.
I still need to download my pictures from the trip. Maybe I will get to them tomorrow. Not much going on tomorrow so I should have time. It is hard to get started, I feel like I need a nap all day. The cold and the rain make me lazy!

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