Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Another Birthday!

What fun. We were in Alabama for Reese's 5th Birthday (dec 24th) and now we are in South Carolina for Grace's 5th Birthday. (dec 30th) That worked out perfect. Both of these children were surprises to their parents and to us. We all thought our kids were done having kids. Surprise! These two blessings were just waiting in the wings.

Reese being born on Christmas Eve will always have stories to hear. And Grace right behind him has her stories too. She almost was a New Years Eve baby, but couldn't wait another minuet. She actually was due on New Years Eve. Reese on the other hand was a week late.

Today Ron and Brian are taking Grace fishing for her birthday and then later more of Barb's family are coming for Pizza and cake and ice cream. I'm sure we will all have fun.

For Reese's Birthday we went to Apple Bee's and had a great dinner. He got his presents and played until we were all tired and had to go to bed to wait for Santa. Big day and night!


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

In South Carolina Now

We drove all day on the 26th from Prattville, Alabama to Charlston, South Carolina. Really we are in Summerville, a suburb of Charlston. It is a little warmer here in the day time, but still very cold at night. I'm talking 30 at night and about 48-50 in the day time. To me 40 anything is not a high, that is definately a low. So, I am cold.

I have been knitting alot, but not as much as I thought I would. I have made a couple of pairs of socks and am working on a pair of handwarmers now. I haven't touched my drop spindle, but probably will soon.

On Sunday we visited the Citidel where my son went to College and went downtown to the market place. Very fun, but there were too many of us. 14 total. Didn't really get to shop, but ate some really good Chicken wings. That is the best part of this part of the country, the food.
Of course I will miss all the mexican food eventually.

Ron went hunting on Monday morning, but didn't even see anything, but he is loving the country side here. Lots of forrest here and in Alabama. Everything seems really rural to me.


Friday, December 18, 2009

Cold and Colder!!!

Today it was raining again. I had to go buy a jacket. I don't think I have had a real jacket in 20 years. I have sweaters, and sweatshirts, but no coat or jacket. I got something warm and water proof to a degree. It also has a hood. We also bought umbrellas. There is just too much water around here. I talked to Brian in South Carolina and it was raining there too. That decided it for me. I bought a coat.

The kids had their last day of school today. Everyone had parties and lots of goodies. Ron and I went to Walmart again. Then we had pizza tonight for dinner. Dana and I have been making cookies all night. Next we have to make gingerbread men. She is having a cookie decorating party tomorrow night. We make about 4 batches of sugar cookies.

I finished my sweater that I knitted before I left and got it all sewn together. Now I am knitting a hat to go with it. The plan is to go Christmas Caroling after the cookie decorating party tomorrow night. I know it will be cold. It isn't colder here at night, but it never warms up in the day time.

Spin on...............................Sheena

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Alabamba Bound!

Well, for all who read this. We are in Alabama. It was raining when we landed (Monday night) and continued to rain all day Tuesday. For us that is a lot of rain. They take it in their stride here. I didn't see anyone worrying about the rain. I, on the other hand, feel like a drowned rat. It is clear and very cold today even by Ramona standards.

We will be here through Christmas and are really happy to be here with our grand kids. After Christmas we will move on to South Carolina to be with more grand kids. This is a great vacation with grand kids to boot!

Today we are going out and about while the kids are in school all day. I still have some final shopping before Christmas. I still don't know what to get Reese. He has changed so much and is getting so big. All the kids have grown including Rebecca who is so tall I didn't think she would grow any more. I think she is 5'8" now. Very regal and beautiful.

I brought along a few knitting projects and of course some spinning ones. I had to bring my drop spindles because I couldn't bring myself to buy another wheel for travel. I was very timpted but will hold off another year. I want a Joy, but don't really need one.

Spin on....................................Sheena