At the beginning of spring we all wanted to plant a garden. So we did. We have 28 tomato plants, and lots of chili's, Anaheim, jalapenos, yellow chilli's and purple bell peppers. We have about 100 onion sets planted 5 packs of assorted beets, 7 different kinds of squash, turnips, okra, egg plant and lots of cucumbers. Green beans and radishes and carrots oh well, you get the picture. BIG GARDEN!
This is the garden. It has gotten totally out of hand. We planted it with all good intentions, then everyone got busy. Papa continues to water and refuses to weed. I weed on my day off, but never get it totally done. There are lots of veggies coming on now. We are drowning in squash (7 different kinds) I just ate my first spaghetti squash last night and it was really good. I of course love zucchini and have been making bread and all kinds of wonderful things. Last week I made chocolate zucchini cake. Yummm. I put zucchini in my spaghetti sauce last night, and probably will put some in the meat loaf tonight.
Now it's time for cucumbers. Oh my goodness. Oh well, had to make pickles. First I made bread and butter pickles because the cucumber got too big. This week was better. I picked cucumbers every day and kept them pretty small. Made dill pickles on my day off. Rhonda was here to help on the second batch so it went pretty fast. We now have 12 pints of bread and butter pickles, and 14 quarts of dill pickles. It's not over, that is just this week. We will have to continue because the over whelming gilt of not doing it is more than I can take. We will pickle and can beets this week. Did I say we planted 5 packets, all different kids. Wow, we have been eating beet greens as fast as we can (which is the real reason we planted so many) Now we have to do something with the beets.

I sure hope we can keep up the pace. I've knitted 4 face cloths for Arlene at work this week and Karalyn and I are starting a new sweater we found on the Internet. Should be fun. I am still working on Amy's yarn.
Spin on.............................Sheena