I want a book shelf that covers the wall like this. I probably have enough books to fill it.
They had pattern books and leaflets of every pattern I have seen in all the magazines. I had to take a break from looking at all this stuff and go eat pizza next door before I could move on.
Then...................................there were the spinning wheels. I was shaking just looking at them. They were lined up in row and I really enjoyed looking at each one. There of course was roving and lots of other interesting things to spin. I bought 2 ounces of angora to blend with some of my wool back home. They had every fiber I had ever read about. You could buy it by the ounce. That way you could try a little to see if it was what you wanted to spin.
This is a picture of Katherine (my granddaughter and other yarn crazed person in the family) in front of the store. We had a wonderful time shopping and looking at all the stuff. Wow, I think this was my favorite day of my trip.
If you are ever in Kansas, well, you gotta stop.
spin on.........................Sheena