We went to Phoenix and picked up the kids. What a great time we had. They were staying at a wonderful
Merriott Resort Hotel with the best pools I've ever seen. They even had a lazy river that I really enjoyed. I wish my hubby would make me one. We have room and he has a trencher to dig the ditch, and I've seen him move water around, so I know he could do it. Anyway we had a good time and a good visit. We even went to a movie while we were there. We saw Speed Racer, what fun. I really enjoyed that movie.
After all that it was load up the car and head back to San Diego with the 4 kids and all their gear. We were pretty loaded. We only stopped twice, once for a potty break, and once for dinner. That was a nice break and we ate McDonald's again, which we had had for lunch, but no one seemed to mind. They had a great play toy and we did play a little, and it was back in the car. The little kids (3&5) fell asleep and the big kids (9&12) watched a movie.
We got home at about 1:00 am and the first thing the kids saw (everyone is awake now) was "Bandit" the horse. That was a hit. Then we pulled up to the house and Butch (golden retriever) walked up and Reese (3) says, "There's a Lion" We all cracked up. Needles to say, Reese and Butch are great buddies. Everyone is having a great time and I am at work now, but I hear there are nine new chickens at my house. Can't wait to see them. I'll take pictures later.
Last night right after I got home the Fed Ex truck brought my wool to me. It seems like not that long ago that I sheared the sheep and really didn't expect to get it back from
Morro Bay until later in the summer. Wow, I have a lot of wool. I don't think I can spin it all before it is time to shear again in Oct. It is all white too, so I will be dying some of it for sure.
This next weekend is my last weekend off, but I am kind of anxious to get going on the fair. We will start work on the 20Th. We have a lot to do in a short time. I hope we have enough people hired to get the job done.
I bound off my "Dutch tie shawl" the pattern is in the most recent Spin Off magazine. It turned out so pretty. I will take pictures when I get home. I still have to make the ties and finish the edge.
That's all for now,
Spin on..............................Sheena