Friday, March 21, 2008

New Car, Happy Easter, Socks almost done!

I have been looking for a new car. We found something that met all our needs. It is a Dodge Caravan. It has all the things my other Van didn't or doesn't have. Tinted windows, electric windows, electric locks, and cruise control. I am keeping my other van so Ron will have a car when he needs it for his folks, instead of the gas guzzling truck. My car was delivered on Wednesday night and it is so cool.
It is silver, and a 2005. Very nice with grey interior. I think I love it.
This Easter will be strange for me. I have always had most of my Grandchildren here to do the big Easter Egg Hunt. This year will be kind of quiet as all of the little kids in my life have moved away. I am planning a "Big Kid Easter Egg Hunt" so I can still have my fun. After all it is for me, the kids just get to join in. I boiled my eggs tonight and am ready to color them tomorrow. That is also for me. I am making a big Ham dinner and have plenty of grown ups to enjoy that. Hope you all have a Happy Easter and enjoy the peace and salvation that this holiday represents.
I am working on the ribbing of my socks. They will be done soon. Depending how much time I put in on them this weekend, they should be done before Monday.
I got to see my new babies on Thursday. A little black Lincoln and a white Lincoln/Columbia cross. They are so sweet and I can't wait. I love baby everything.
Spin on...................................Sheena

Monday, March 17, 2008

Women's Retreat, Snow again!

This week end was the best. I went to a women's retreat with the church Journey. I was invited by my middle daughter and her SIL. I have been to many retreats, but this one was so different. For one thing it was in the mountains in cabins. Very fun! It was so spirit filled. This is how I always imagined a retreat to be. Not only that, but the food was great, (how did they do that?) The other retreats I have attended were in fancy hotels, and the food was not that good, such a disappointment.

There were a bunch of us in one cabin and we had a blast. The speaker was Debbie Alsdorf, and she was so inspiring and has a book. DEEPER living in the reality of God's love. Her main message for me is "You are HIS" wow, that alone is so profound. It kind of makes everything else fall away. If you are "HIS", what to worry? Everything else becomes so unimportant by comparison. In the picture, from left to right, Dawn Stewart, Me, Denise Lungulow, Theresa, Rhonda, Stephanie. I was the "Mom", and really enjoyed being one of the girls

When we woke up Sunday morning there was snow! It was so beautiful and magical. There were a lot of woman there who had prayed for snow (go figure) so they were thrilled. I thought it was pretty, but I am not a big fan. I did take a lot of my wool things so it was a chance to really use them. I was pretty comfy and it was gone by lunch time.

Now that I am back home, I feel so refreshed. It was a great getaway. I can't wait until the next trip. I just got my tickets for the train trip my Mom and I are planning to take to my sisters up the coast. She moved to Atascadero or something like that and I haven't seen her new house yet. Really have wanted to do this for a long time. It is getting harder and harder for Ron and I both to get a way because of his folks. If I don't go now I will be working soon and then will have to wait until after September. That makes it another year since I've seen my sister. We plan to go the first week in April.

I really need to get spinning or knitting or something. Working on what else? Socks!

Spin on ........................................Sheena

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Try that again!

Today I did the swatch for Mysticlight KAL over again. This time I used a size 8 needle and I like it alot better. The first one was done on size 7 (the size suggested by the designer), but my yarn must be finer so it came out too small. I really like this one better. Can't wait until we get the pattern. March 24Th or something like that.

The shades of grey look funny in this picture. It really is full of silver sparkles that don't show either. I know I will love this shawl.

Today was so beautiful. It was warm and sunny all day. Everything is blooming and it really does feel like spring. I took this picture for my grand kids. They love to eat sour grass. They say it tastes like dill pickles. ( I have agree with them)
It is so full and loving the sunshine.
Today after church my daughter and her husband came over and helped me put new coats on our sheep. We still have a month before we are going to shear them. Man their wool is so gorgeous I can't wait. It was great to get a close up peek at it.
My granddaughter is going to 6Th grade camp this week. It wasn't that long ago that I was trying to send her mother. Time sure has a way of slipping away.
Spin on................................Sheena

Saturday, March 8, 2008

My Swatch for Mysticlight KAL

I finished my swatch for the Mysticlight KAL. It took me three tries, but I finally did it. I'm still not sure if it is right, but close enough. It looks like the picture I saw. I'm sure there are mistakes in it, but I have a couple of weeks to practise and that is just what I will do.

Mine is smaller than the sample, but I guess it doesn't matter. My shawl will be smaller. Maybe I will try a bigger needle. I love the yarn and know I will use this shawl.

Today I spent the entire day in the car. We went to recycle tires in Campo. It was a long hard drive in the truck with a trailer behind full of tires. We got rid of about 60+ tires. Don't ask. why would someone have that many tires. Long story. Anyway it took all day, but I took my knitting with me and got a good start on the BSJ (Elizabeth Zimmermans Baby Surprise Jacket.) I am knitting it with worsted weight yarn on size 9 needles so it will come out big. So the day wasn't a total loss.

Ron's Mom's eye is doing well. She had a procedure done on Tuesday to try to stop the damage to her left eye that is being caused by a vessel that is leaking. Anyway, we went back for a recheck on Friday and all is well. Now we just wait for 5 weeks to go back and see if it is working. We are still doing drops every four hours until tomorrow. (Sunday)

Can you believe it. It is already time to turn the clocks forward. It stays light late enough for me, but I know everyone likes more daylight. I just get more tired, everyone expects to get more done because there is more time. Right!

Spin on........................................Sheena

Thursday, March 6, 2008

We got the swatch pattern today!!

We got the Swatch pattern for the Mysticlight KAL today. I think it will be hard. Atleast for me. I have never knitted from a chart before. I am trying it now and think I love the yarn I finally settled on. I bought three different yarns before I settled on this one. I like the sparkles. I hope
you can see them in the pictures.

This is a close up of the yarn. I call it "Stary Stary Night" I think it will make a pretty shawl. Now if I can just do it. I' working on it now and I already messed up the cable. I haven't done much of that either. I am really stretching on this one. I know I will learn alot and that's what it's all about. Right? I'll post a picture of the swatch when I get done. Probably tomorrow.

Guess I won't get much else done while I am working on this one. It takes consentration and I am not good at that. I might have to spin just to relax. Better go spin now!!!
Spin on......................................Sheena

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Back to Reality (Shucks)

Well, we are back home. I always have mixed feelings about coming home. Sometimes I like living in a fantasy world. Coming home to reality is hard. I really do miss my house and all my classes and friends and like the feeling of coming home, but it was so nice and warm in Las Vegas and it is very cold here. Spring comes early to the Desert. There were lots of wild flowers on the hills on the way home. Very pretty. After all the rain the hill sides are green. This is the best time of year for this area. The rest of the year we are pretty brown. I took this picture from the freeway while moving. Turned out pretty good, but still doesn't do it justice.

I almost finished a pair of socks on the trip and am trying to make myself finish before I start anything new. It is so hard to do. I usually have new ideas and want to start another thing before I am finished.

Today I had a meeting in Del Mar to get ready for the 2008 San Diego County Fair. It was a meeting for the Demonstrators and was a great kick off for this year. I always start getting excited about the fair when we start meeting with the people who will be involved. This years theme is "Summer of Sports" It will be great fun.

After the meeting I followed our secretary to a yarn shop in Encinitas. I had never been there before and probably shouldn't have gone today. I did find some really pretty yarn to use for the Mystic Light KAL to start later this month. This will be my first and I am not quite sure what to expect. I am going to try it anyway. I haven't knitted much lace and have never followed a chart before, so it will be challenging. The colors most people are choosing has somthing to do with fire. I didn't understand that before so I have chosen something glittery and smokey grey because it is something I think I will use. I'm going to use it anyway because I like it. I'll have to take a picture of the yarn.

Well, spring has sprung at my house. My daffodils were all in bloom when I got home.

Spin on........................................Sheena