Sunday, December 28, 2008
One last look at Kansas
Friday, November 28, 2008
Kansas Yarn Barn in Lawrence Kansas
I want a book shelf that covers the wall like this. I probably have enough books to fill it.
They had pattern books and leaflets of every pattern I have seen in all the magazines. I had to take a break from looking at all this stuff and go eat pizza next door before I could move on.
Then...................................there were the spinning wheels. I was shaking just looking at them. They were lined up in row and I really enjoyed looking at each one. There of course was roving and lots of other interesting things to spin. I bought 2 ounces of angora to blend with some of my wool back home. They had every fiber I had ever read about. You could buy it by the ounce. That way you could try a little to see if it was what you wanted to spin.
This is a picture of Katherine (my granddaughter and other yarn crazed person in the family) in front of the store. We had a wonderful time shopping and looking at all the stuff. Wow, I think this was my favorite day of my trip.
If you are ever in Kansas, well, you gotta stop.
spin on.........................Sheena
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Busy busy time of year!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
More pictures of my trip
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I'm Back and still recovering.
We have been home for a couple of weeks now and I still feel like I am recovering. I loved being on the road and am having a hard time getting back to a routine.
I really love Colorado and I think it was my favorite. All along the way there were beautiful trees and we even saw a rainbow after what must have been a thunder storm, but we just got a little sprinkle. In fact traveling so far and for so long I can't believe what wonderful weather we had. Not any real rain and lots of sun shine.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Still on vacation
Our Son Brian has had what they are calling a TIA. A stroke or something. We are here now waiting to see what happens. We came to help with the kids and see what they think is wrong. So far they thought he had a heart attack, and a Grand Mal seizure. I don't know for sure. He had an allergic reaction to some medication they gave him and that has complicated everything. We are going to see him tonight for the first time. Soooooo I don't know when I will get back home.
On a brighter note, we have had such a wonderful time seeing the country. We have been through so many states and I have taken lots of pictures. I have had to master taking them from the car which is such a task. I am not a photographer anyway so what a riot. I did discover that my camera does video too. ( that was by complete accident) I think I need to read the book that came with my camera. I have been pretty much the trial by fire kinda gal so far. I loved the trees and the greenery everywhere through the southern states. I also loved the Rocky mountains. I will have more details later when I get home and can add pictures.
I have continued to work on my Adult Surprise Jacket and it is almost done. I finished one pair of socks this week for a Christmas present and started another. I also knitted 5 baby wash clothes from Las Vegas to Kansas. They were for a friend of my daughter-in law's who was due to have her baby and had it on my Birthday! 10lbs and 1oz. I have been doing a little drop spindling, and hope to do more this week. I brought lots of yarn and projects to work on and have bought some yarn along the way. That is another story for later (with pictures)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
On the Road
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Now what?
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
What a sun set
I only have one more day of work and I am off until next spring. I am so ready to have some free time. I have lots to catch up on and alot of cleaning to do.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Summer's Over
I keep trying to get pictures to show how the chickens follow Ron across the yard. It is so hilarious I can't believe it. Every evening we let them out an hour or so before dark so they can free range and get bugs and green grass for a while before they head back to their chicken coop. They run out and follow after Ron. At first they didn't go very far because it was unfamiliar territory, but now they don't care. They follow him all over the yard.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Ron has a following.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
I am really proud of this one. Now to spin the wool from Isabel's first shearing this last spring and make something from her wonderful fiber. I have 10 sheep now, so I need to speed it up. I have lots of ideas too.
Spin on........................................Sheena